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Title: Schramm
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.847
Imdb Votes: 75
Duration: 65 mins
Year: 1993
Language: German,
Genre: Horror,
Country: Germany,


Lothar Schramm is a simple man with complex problems, yet he seems like such a nice guy. He works as a taxi driver and lives by himself where he is happy to answer his door to strangers and kill them outright. As with many shy loner types he has a problem dealing with woman so he drugs them and photographs their nude bodies for sexual stimulation. He then murders his helpless victims and so goes the life of a deranged serial killer.


Actors - Crew

Florian Koerner von Gustorf
Lothar Schramm
Monika M.
Micha Brendel
Carolina Harnisch
Xaver Schwarzenberger
Old Man 1
Gerd Horvath
Old Man 2
Jörg Buttgereit
Franz Rodenkirchen
Manfred O. Jelinski

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