Title: | Girl |
Sensity: | No |
Imdb Rate: | 5 |
Imdb Votes: | 5 |
Duration: | 7 mins |
Year: | 1993 |
Language: | English, |
Genre: | Drama, |
Country: | United Kingdom, |
Carol Morley's debut short uses the iconography of the genre of melodrama – the staircase, the father – to explore the story of a girl's relationship with her father, and the impossibility of recreating a time, a place, and a memory. Cross-cutting between the girl protagonist and her father, the film creates a sense of crisis and conflict. As the girl invests her feelings in her surroundings and describes events connected to her father, we are drawn into a world of pain and pathos. Morley's first directorial credit was her graduation film from Central St. Martin's School of Art.