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Title: Cronos
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.656
Imdb Votes: 631
Duration: 94 mins
Year: 1993
Language: English, Spanish,
Genre: Drama, Horror, Thriller,
Country: Mexico,


Faced with his own mortality, an ingenious alchemist tried to perfect an invention that would provide him with the key to eternal life. It was called the Cronos device. When he died more than 400 years later, he took the secrets of this remarkable device to the grave with him. Now, an elderly antiques dealer has found the hellish machine hidden in a statue and learns about its incredible powers. The more he uses the device, the younger he becomes...but nothing comes without a price. Life after death is just the beginning as this nerve-shattering thriller unfolds and the fountain of youth turns bloody.


Actors - Crew

Federico Luppi
Jesus Gris
Ron Perlman
Angel de la Guardia
Claudio Brook
De la Guardia
Margarita Isabel
Tamara Shanath
Mario Iván Martínez
Arthur Gorson
Guillermo del Toro
Javier Álvarez
Original Music Composer
Guillermo Navarro
Director of Photography
Raúl Dávalos
Bertha Navarro

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