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Title: This Is My Life
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.133
Imdb Votes: 15
Duration: 95 mins
Year: 1992
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
Country: United States of America,


Single mom Dottie Ingels sells cosmetics in a department store, but she dreams of being a comedian. When she inherits some money, she takes the chance and moves with her two children Erica and Opel to New York to perform in small bars. Soon her agent Arnold Moss makes her famous, but while she travels all over USA, her children stay home lonely.


Actors - Crew

Julie Kavner
Dottie Ingels
Samantha Mathis
Erica Ingels
Gaby Hoffmann
Opal Ingels
Carrie Fisher
Claudia Curtis
Dan Aykroyd
Arnold Moss
Bob Nelson
Nora Ephron
Delia Ephron
Matthias Gohl
Music Arranger
Meg Wolitzer
Carole Isenberg
Executive Producer
Patricia K. Meyer
Executive Producer

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