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Title: The Mighty Ducks
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.556
Imdb Votes: 861
Duration: 101 mins
Year: 1992
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Family, Drama,
Country: United States of America,


After reckless young lawyer Gordon Bombay gets arrested for drunk driving, he must coach a kids hockey team for his community service. Gordon has experience on the ice, but isn't eager to return to hockey, a point hit home by his tense dealings with his own former coach, Jack Reilly. The reluctant Gordon eventually grows to appreciate his team, which includes promising young Charlie Conway, and leads them to take on Reilly's tough players.


Actors - Crew

Emilio Estevez
Gordon Bombay
Joss Ackland
Lane Smith
Jack Reilly
Heidi Kling
Casey Conway
Josef Sommer
Mr. Ducksworth
Joshua Jackson
Charlie Conway
Thomas Del Ruth
Director of Photography
Jordan Kerner
Jon Avnet
John F. Link
Steven Brill
Stephen Herek

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