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Title: The Accompanist
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.9
Imdb Votes: 9
Duration: 102 mins
Year: 1992
Language: French,
Genre: Drama, War,
Country: France,


In Nazi-occupied Paris, a young accompanist named Sophie Vasseur gets a job with famed singer Irene Brice. As Irene's husband Charles, a businessman collaborating with the Nazis, wrestles with his conscience, Sophie becomes obsessed with Irene, taking on the role of maid as well as accompanist, living life vicariously through Irene's triumphs and affairs.


Actors - Crew

Romane Bohringer
Sophie Vasseur
Richard Bohringer
Charles Brice
Elena Safonova
Irène Brice
Samuel Labarthe
Jacques Fabert
Julien Rassam
Benoît Weizman
Bernard Verley
Jacques Ceniat
Claude Miller
Nina Berberova
Michael Howells
Art Direction
Luc Béraud
Paul Lainé
Sound Editor
Patrick Cassavetti
Executive Producer

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