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Title: Sumo Do, Sumo Don't
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.5
Imdb Votes: 15
Duration: 105 mins
Year: 1992
Language: Japanese,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: Japan,


A college senior, Shuhei, is blackmailed by a professor into joining the school's sumo team. He is aided by a group of misfits who must team together to defeat their rivals or face disgrace and the disbandment of the sumo club.


Actors - Crew

Masahiro Motoki
Shuhei Yamamoto
Misa Shimizu
Natsuko Kawashima
Naoto Takenaka
Aoki Tomio
Akira Emoto
Professor Tokichi Anayama
Kaori Mizushima
Chie Asai
Hiromasa Taguchi
Hosaku Tanaka
Masayuki Suō
Yoshikazu Suo
Naoki Kayano
Jun'ichi Kikuchi
Kyōko Heya
Art Direction

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