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Title: Strangers of the Earth
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.5
Imdb Votes: 1
Duration: 41 mins
Year: 1992
Language: French,
Genre: Documentary,
Country: France,


Les inconnus de la terre starts like a traditional feature film: in the beginning of the film all the leading roles are given a short introduction. This is followed by a number of interviews, in which the makers unashamedly appear themselves. They include an interview with a lonely shepherd and one with three unmarried brothers who try to run the parental farm for better or worse. Notwithstanding the fact that this mode of interviewing has now become classical, les inconnus de la terre works rather refreshingly. The film is more than just an enumeration of problems. In an honest way it shows the ties of those involved to the land and to nature, in addition to being a plea for the modernization of French agriculture.


Actors - Crew

Self, a Shepherd from the Causses
Les Cheyla
Selves, a Family of Farmers
Self, an Itinerant Farming Teacher
Self, a Small Landowner
Frère des Cévennes no. 1
Frère des Cévennes no. 2
Mario Ruspoli
Michel Zénaffa
Michel Brault
Director of Photography
Roger Morillière
Director of Photography
Quinto Albicocco
Director of Photography
Lucienne Barthelemy
Assistant Editor

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