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Title: Medicine Man
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 364
Duration: 106 mins
Year: 1992
Language: English,
Genre: Adventure, Drama, Romance,
Country: United States of America,


An eccentric scientist working for a large drug company is working on a research project in the Amazon jungle. He sends for a research assistant and a gas chromatograph because he's close to a cure for cancer. When the assistant turns out to be a "mere woman," he rejects her help. Meanwhile the bulldozers get closer to the area in which they are conducting research, and they eventually learn to work together, and begin falling in love.


Actors - Crew

Sean Connery
Dr. Robert Campbell
Lorraine Bracco
Dr. Rae Crane
José Wilker
Dr. Miguel Ornega
Rodolfo De Alexandre
Francisco Tsiren Tsere Rereme
Elias Monteiro Da Silva
Sean Connery
Executive Producer
Donald McAlpine
Director of Photography
Sally Robinson
Andrew G. Vajna
Jerry Goldsmith
Original Music Composer
John McTiernan

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