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Title: Mac
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.786
Imdb Votes: 28
Duration: 117 mins
Year: 1992
Language: English,
Genre: Drama,
Country: United States of America,


Niccolo "Mac" Vitelli is the eldest of three brothers in 1950s Queens. Mac is a construction builder, a trade he learned from his late father, and helps put his brothers on the job. When they can no longer take working for Polowski, who does shoddy work and is abusive to his staff, Mac and his brothers set up their own company. Together, Vitelli Brothers Construction builds houses with pride and care. But Mac turns out to be an overbearing workaholic, with obsessive concern about the quality of their work and incredible attention to detail. His intensity and driven ambition precludes a happy family life and begins to drive his brothers away.


Actors - Crew

John Turturro
Niccolo "Mac" Vitelli
Michael Badalucco
Vico Vitelli
Carl Capotorto
Bruno Vitelli
Katherine Borowitz
Alice Stunder
Ellen Barkin
Oona Goldfarb
John Amos
John Turturro
Steve Apicella
First Assistant Director
Brandon Cole
Ron Fortunato
Director of Photography
Michael Berenbaum
Donna Zakowska
Costume Design

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