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Title: Lorenzo's Oil
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.076
Imdb Votes: 522
Duration: 135 mins
Year: 1992
Language: English, Italian, Swahili,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Australia, United States of America,


Augusto and Michaela Odone are dealt a cruel blow by fate when their five-year-old son Lorenzo is diagnosed with a rare and incurable disease. But the Odones' persistence and faith leads to an unorthodox cure which saves their boy and re-writes medical history.


Actors - Crew

Nick Nolte
Augusto Odone
Susan Sarandon
Michaela Odone
Peter Ustinov
Professor Nikolais
Ann Hearn
Loretta Muscatine
Maduka Steady
Aaron Jackson
Francesco Odone
George Miller
Richard Francis-Bruce
Kristi Zea
Production Design
Nick Enright
Karen O'Hara
Set Decoration
Doug Mitchell

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