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Title: Hard Hunted
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.875
Imdb Votes: 36
Duration: 97 mins
Year: 1992
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Thriller,
Country: United States of America,


A nuclear trigger has been smuggled to the Middle East by an evil mastermind named Kane, and the weapons could upset the delicate balance of power in the region if they fall into the wrong hands. It's up to three bombshell federal agents to avert disaster and restore the precarious balance.


Actors - Crew

Dona Speir
Donna Hamilton
Roberta Vasquez
Nicole Justin
Bruce Penhall
Bruce Christian
Geoffrey Moore
Tony Peck
Cynthia Brimhall
Edy Stark
Andy Sidaris
Mark Morris
Director of Photography
Arlene Sidaris
Richard Lyons
Original Music Composer
Bill Pryor
Art Direction
Cherie Day Ledwith
Production Design

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