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Title: CrissCross
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.3
Imdb Votes: 39
Duration: 96 mins
Year: 1992
Language: English,
Genre: Crime, Drama,
Country: United States of America,


Set in 1969, a twelve-year-old grows up in Key West with his mother, who is paying the bills by stripping at the local topless bar. The boy finds out about her activities and tries to convince her to stop, to no avail. A local restaurant owner hires him to collect fish from a boat out in the bay, and the boy discovers that the restaurant owner is using the fish to bring drugs in to shore. He steals one load and goes about selling it so his mother can afford to quit her job.


Actors - Crew

Goldie Hawn
Tracy Cross
Arliss Howard
James Gammon
David Arnott
Chris Cross
Keith Carradine
John Cross
Anna Thomson
Chris Menges
Scott Sommer
Bill Finnegan
Executive Producer
Robin Forman
Anthea Sylbert
Trevor Jones
Original Music Composer

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