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Title: Until the End of the World
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.8
Imdb Votes: 192
Duration: 158 mins
Year: 1991
Language: English, French, Italian, Japanese, German,
Genre: Drama, Science Fiction, Adventure,
Country: Australia, France, Germany,


In 1999, a woman's life is forever changed after she survives a car crash with two bank robbers, who enlist her help to take the money to a drop in Paris. On the way, she runs into another fugitive from the law — an American doctor on the run from the CIA. They want to confiscate his father's invention – a device which allows anyone to record their dreams and visions.


Actors - Crew

William Hurt
Sam Farber, alias Trevor McPhee
Solveig Dommartin
Claire Tourneur
Sam Neill
Eugene Fitzpatrick
Max von Sydow
Henry Farber
Rüdiger Vogler
Phillip Winter
Ernie Dingo
Wim Wenders
Ulrich Felsberg
Jonathan T. Taplin
Robby Müller
Director of Photography
Peter Przygodda
Peter Carey

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