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Title: The Stranger
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.5
Imdb Votes: 55
Duration: 114 mins
Year: 1991
Language: Bengali, English,
Genre: Drama,
Country: France, India,


A well-off Indian family is paid an unexpected, and rather unwanted, visit by a man claiming to be the woman's long lost uncle. The initial suspicion with which they greet the man slowly dissolves as he regales them with stories of his travels, tales that are at odds with their conventional middle class perspective on the world.


Actors - Crew

Utpal Dutt
Manomohan Mitra
Dipankar Dey
Sudhindra Bose
Mamata Shankar
Anila Bose
Bikram Bhattacharya
Satyaki Bose
Dhritiman Chatterjee
Prithwish Sen Gupta
Subrata Chatterjee
Chhanda Rakshit
Dulal Dutta
Satyajit Ray
Gérard Depardieu
Executive Producer
Barun Raha
Director of Photography
Ashoke Bose
Art Direction
Ramesh Sen
Assistant Director

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