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Title: Naked Lunch
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.013
Imdb Votes: 1038
Duration: 115 mins
Year: 1991
Language: Arabic, English,
Genre: Crime, Drama,
Country: Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America,


Blank-faced bug killer Bill Lee and his dead-eyed wife, Joan, like to get high on Bill's pest poisons while lounging with Beat poet pals. After meeting the devilish Dr. Benway, Bill gets a drug made from a centipede. Upon indulging, he accidentally kills Joan, takes orders from his typewriter-turned-cockroach, ends up in a constantly mutating Mediterranean city and learns that his hip friends have published his work -- which he doesn't remember writing.


Actors - Crew

Peter Weller
Bill Lee
Judy Davis
Joan Frost
Ian Holm
Tom Frost
Julian Sands
Yves Cloquet
Roy Scheider
Dr. Benway
Monique Mercure
David Cronenberg
Peter Suschitzky
Director of Photography
William S. Burroughs
Howard Shore
Original Music Composer
Chris Walas
Creature Design
David Evans
Sound Effects Editor

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