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Title: If Looks Could Kill
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.126
Imdb Votes: 159
Duration: 88 mins
Year: 1991
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


Michael Corben, along with the rest of his high-school French class, sets out for a trip to France when he is mistaken for an agent of the same name. He is beseiged by both the good guys and the bad guys. British Intelligence outfits him with a series of James-Bond-like gizmos, and Steranko sends more would-be assassins after him. Can Michael stop the evil Steranko's plans for European domination?


Actors - Crew

Richard Grieco
Michael Corben
Gabrielle Anwar
Roger Rees
Augustus Steranko
Linda Hunt
Ilsa Grunt
Robin Bartlett
Patricia Grober
Carole Davis
Areola Canasta
William Dear
Darren Star
Fred Dekker
Sharon Howard-Field
Réal Proulx
Art Direction
Douglas Milsome
Director of Photography

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