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Title: Highlander II: The Quickening
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.706
Imdb Votes: 830
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1991
Language: English,
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Thriller,
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America,


In the year 2024, the ozone layer is believed to have been destroyed, and it's up to MacLeod and Ramirez to set things right. Opposition comes from both the planet Ziest (MacLeod and Ramirez's homeworld) and a corporation profiting from the supposed lack of ozone. Also, flashbacks show the story behind MacLeod and Ramirez's exile from Ziest.


Actors - Crew

Christopher Lambert
Connor 'The Highlander' MacLeod
Sean Connery
Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez
Virginia Madsen
Louise Marcus
Michael Ironside
Gen. Katana
John C. McGinley
David Blake
Phillip Brock
Russell Mulcahy
Gregory Widen
Brian Clemens
William N. Panzer
Peter Bellwood
Christian Gruaz
Special Effects Assistant

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