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Title: Cover-Up
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.9
Imdb Votes: 32
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1991
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Thriller, Drama,
Country: Israel, United Kingdom, United States of America,


Mike Anderson, a tough American reporter on a dangerous foreign assignment, finds his own life in jeopardy when he uncovers a deadly labyrinth of political intrigue that threatens the lives of thousands. Dispatched to investigate a mysterious and fatal attack on an overseas US naval base, Anderson, a leading investigative journalist and ex-US marine, finds himself back on familiar ground. Instinct makes him question the official CIA explanation that cites an unknown terrorist group called Black October. Alone, and armed only with his combat training and determination to uncover the truth, he sets out to expose a complex and dangerous political web.


Actors - Crew

Dolph Lundgren
Mike Anderson
Louis Gossett Jr.
Lou Jackson
Lisa Berkley
Susan Clifford
John Finn
Jeff Cooper
Gil Kopel
MP #1
Howard Rypp
MP #2
Manny Coto
William Tannen
Sharon Harel-Cohen
Jacob Kotzky
Jane Barclay
Executive Producer
Bob Misiorowski
Executive Producer

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