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Title: Convicts
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.429
Imdb Votes: 14
Duration: 93 mins
Year: 1991
Language: English,
Genre: Drama,


In 1902, 13-year-old Horace toils on a run-down plantation in rural Texas to buy a tombstone for the father he lost a year earlier. Soll, the crusty old Confederate who owns the plantation and depends on convict labor to keep his farm running, takes a liking to Horace. However, Soll is aging and sinking into senility, making the possibility of Horace ever getting his pay increasingly unlikely. On Christmas Eve, as Soll becomes obsessed with his own mortality, he makes a grand promise... forcing Horace to confront his fear of death and the harsh truths of a decadent society.


Actors - Crew

Robert Duvall
Soll Gautier
Lukas Haas
Horace Robedaux
James Earl Jones
Ben Johnson
Starletta DuPois
Martha Johnson
Carlin Glynn
Calvin Levels
Horton Foote
Eric Chambers
Peter Masterson
Jill Savitt
Dan Bishop
Production Design
Toyomichi Kurita
Director of Photography

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