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Title: Tsugumi
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 1
Duration: 105 mins
Year: 1990
Language: Japanese,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Japan,


Tsugumi, who lives in a small seaside town, has been in delicate health from birth. Her parents spoiled her and she is rough and selfish. However, a few people are attracted by her beauty and unique character.


Actors - Crew

Riho Makise
Tugumi Yamamoto
Tomoko Nakajima
Maria Shirakawa
Yasuyo Shirashima
Youko Yamamoto
Hiroyuki Sanada
Kyoichi Takahashi
Misako Watanabe
Tugumi's mother
Morio Agata
Maria's father
Jun Ichikawa
Banana Yoshimoto
Takio Yoshida
Shunichiro Shoda
Production Design
Hisayuki Miyamoto
Mishio Ogawa
Theme Song Performance

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