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Title: The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 199
Duration: 104 mins
Year: 1990
Language: English, Spanish,
Genre: Action, Comedy, Thriller, Crime, Mystery,
Country: United States of America,


To the Los Angeles elite, Ford Fairlane is known as "Mr. Rock 'n' Roll Detective." This loudmouthed ladies' man serves an exclusive rock star clientele, who depend on his keen eye and smug discretion. So when a heavy-metal musician dies mid-concert, Fairlane is on the case before the lights come up. But things turn shocking when radio personality Johnny Crunch hires Fairlane to find a missing groupie mere hours before he is electrocuted live on air.


Actors - Crew

Andrew Dice Clay
Ford Fairlane
Wayne Newton
Julian Grendel
Priscilla Presley
Colleen Sutton
Morris Day
Don Cleveland
Lauren Holly
Ed O'Neill
Lt. Amos
David Arnott
Rex Weiner
Michael Tronick
Joel Silver
Oliver Wood
Director of Photography
Steve Perry

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