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Title: An Angel at My Table
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.029
Imdb Votes: 154
Duration: 158 mins
Year: 1990
Language: English, Spanish,
Genre: Drama,
Country: Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom,


Based on the autobiographical work of New Zealand writer Janet Frame, this production depicts the author at various stage of her life. Afflicted with mental and emotional issues, Frame grows up in an impoverished family and experiences numerous tragedies while still in her youth, including the deaths of two of her siblings. Portrayed as an adult by Kerry Fox, Frame finds acclaim for her writing while still in a mental institution, and her success helps her move on with her life.


Actors - Crew

Kerry Fox
Janet Frame
Alexia Keogh
Janet Frame as a child
Karen Fergusson
Janet Frame as a teenager
Iris Churn
Jessie Mune
Janet Frame as a baby
Kevin J. Wilson
Jane Campion
Janet Frame
Original Story
Meryl Cronin
Set Dresser
Laura Jones
Stuart Dryburgh
Director of Photography
Veronika Jenet

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