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Title: The Dead Pit
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.3
Imdb Votes: 68
Duration: 95 mins
Year: 1989
Language: English,
Genre: Horror,
Country: United States of America,


The arrival of an amnesiac patient in a psychiatric hospital somehow frees a mad doctor, who was shot and entombed with his fiendish experiments in an abandoned wing of the asylum 20 years before.


Actors - Crew

Jeremy Slate
Dr. Gerald Swan
Cheryl Lawson
Jane Doe
Stephen Gregory Foster
Christian Meyers
Danny Gochnauer
Dr. Colin Ramzi
Geha Getz
Sister Clair
Joan Bechtel
Nurse Kygar
Brett Leonard
Gimel Everett
Damon Foster
Marty Collins
Director of Photography
Nina Parker
Costume Design
Ed Martinez
Special Effects

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