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Title: Murder Story
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.5
Imdb Votes: 6
Duration: 89 mins
Year: 1989
Language: English, Dutch,
Genre: Horror, Crime, Mystery, Thriller,
Country: United Kingdom, Netherlands,


Aspiring young novelist Tony Zonis (Alexis Denisof) wants to write the next great suspense thriller, so he decides to study the work of master crime writer, Willard Hope (Christopher Lee). Together, they pick through random newspaper stories, looking for the unusual event that will make a good thriller. What they find is murder. A government cover-up... an international scandal... and the bodies are just beginning to fall into place. Now Tony isn't just writing the next best-seller... he's writing his own obituary.


Actors - Crew

Christopher Lee
Willard Hope
Alexis Denisof
Tony Zonis
Bruce Boa
Stacia Burton
Kieron Jecchinis
Jeff Harding
Larry DeLeo
Ronnie Gerschtanowitz
Executive Producer
Marc Felperlaan
Director of Photography
Wayne Bickerton
Markus Innocenti
Jim Reeve
Executive Producer
Rodney Holland

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