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Title: Black Rainbow
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.9
Imdb Votes: 42
Duration: 103 mins
Year: 1989
Language: English,
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Horror,
Country: United Kingdom,


Martha Travis is a medium who makes contact with spirits "on the other side" and connects them with their loved ones still alive, in public performances. Trouble begins when she gives a message to Mary Kuron from her husband, Tom. But Tom isn't dead... yet. And Martha not only knows he will die, she also knows who killed him. And the murderer knows she knows...


Actors - Crew

Rosanna Arquette
Martha Travis
Jason Robards
Walter Travis
Tom Hulce
Gary Wallace
Mark Joy
Lloyd Harley
Ron Rosenthal
Lieutenant Irving Weinberg
John Bennes
Ted Silas
Production Design
Mike Hodges
Geoffrey Helman
John Quested
George A. Walker
Executive Producer
Gerry Fisher
Director of Photography

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