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Title: Beware: Children at Play
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.883
Imdb Votes: 30
Duration: 94 mins
Year: 1989
Language: English,
Genre: Horror,
Country: United States of America,


Parents are in a panic as their children mysteriously disappear. Little do they know that the only thing worse than their children disappearing would be them coming back. After the youngsters of Ellenburg fall under the ruthless control of a cult leader, they turn on their parents with gruesome results.


Actors - Crew

Lori Romero
Julia DeWolfe
Michael Robertson
John DeWolfe
Robin Lilly
Cleo Carr
Mik Cribben
Farmer Isac Braun
Lori Tirgrath
Julia DeWolfe
Herb Klinger
Franklin Ludwig
Mik Cribben
Fred P. Sharkey
Herschel Dwellingham
Lawrence Littler
Executive Producer
Michael Koslow
Michael Cribben

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