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Title: Young Einstein
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.179
Imdb Votes: 148
Duration: 91 mins
Year: 1988
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction,
Country: Australia,


Albert Einstein is the son of a Tasmanian apple farmer, who discovers the secret of splitting the beer atom to put the bubbles back into beer. When Albert travels to Sydney to patent his invention he meets beatuiful French scientist Marie Curie, as well as several unscrupulous types who try to take advantage of the naive genius and his invention.


Actors - Crew

Yahoo Serious
Albert Einstein
Odile Le Clezio
Marie Curie
Ian "Peewee" Wilson
Mr. Einstein
Su Cruickshank
Mrs. Einstein
John Howard
Preston Preston
Christian Manon
Darwin's Bodyguard
Yahoo Serious
Peter Whitmore
Warwick Ross
Amanda Robson
Graham Burke
Executive Producer
David Roach

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