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Title: The Deceivers
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.7
Imdb Votes: 25
Duration: 102 mins
Year: 1988
Language: English, Hindi, Sanskrit,
Genre: Adventure,
Country: India, United Kingdom,


India, 1825: the country lives in mortal fear of cult members known as the “Deceivers." They commit robbery and ritualistic murder. Appalled by their activities, an English military man, Captain William Savage, conceives a hazardous plot to stop them. In disguise, he plans to himself become a “Deceiver” and infiltrate their numbers. Ever present in Savage’s adventures is a sense of dread; he is in constant fear of betrayal and vengeance and also undergoes a disturbing psychological transformation as he experiences the cult’s blood lust firsthand.


Actors - Crew

Pierce Brosnan
William Savage
Shashi Kapoor
Raja Chandra Singh
Saeed Jaffrey
Helena Michell
Sarah Wilson
Keith Michell
Colonel Wilson
David Robb
George Anglesmith
Nicholas Meyer
John Masters
Michael Hirst
Ismail Merchant
Tim Van Rellim
Leon Falk

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