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Title: La Lectrice
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.967
Imdb Votes: 30
Duration: 99 mins
Year: 1988
Language: French,
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
Country: France,


Constance is a young lady who likes to read – and who likes to dream while reading - to imagine, to create images. This is what she does for «La Lectrice», a novel which tells the adventures of Marie, a young lady who likes reading so much that she decides to make a profession of it. Selected texts, Provence in wintertime, different neighbourhoods. Deviations from fiction, secret itinaries. An imaginary space penetrates the space of the town, whose streets Marie stries along, while Constance devours novel. The unknown lies behind each word.


Actors - Crew

Constance / Marie
Patrick Chesnais
le P.D.G.
Pierre Dux
le magistrat
Régis Royer
Christian Ruché
Brigitte Catillon
la mère d'Éric
Michel Deville
Rosalinde Deville
Raymonde Guyot
Raymond Jean
Dominique Le Rigoleur
Director of Photography

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