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Title: Bat★21
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.284
Imdb Votes: 177
Duration: 105 mins
Year: 1988
Language: English,
Genre: Action, War,
Country: United States of America,


Lt. Col. Iceal "Ham" Hambleton is a weapons countermeasures expert and when his aircraft is shot over enemy territory the Air Force very much wants to get him back. Hambleton knows the area he's in is going to be carpet-bombed but a temporary shortage of helicopters causes a delay. Working with an Air Force reconnaissance pilot, Capt. Bartholomew Clark, he maps out an escape route.


Actors - Crew

Gene Hackman
Lt. Col. Iceal Hambleton
Danny Glover
Capt. Bartholomew Clark
Jerry Reed
Col. George Walker
David Marshall Grant
Ross Carver
Clayton Rohner
Sgt. Harley Rumbaugh
Erich Anderson
Major Jake Scott
Peter Markle
Nancy Banks
David Saunders
Mark Irwin
Director of Photography
George Gordon
David Fisher

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