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Title: The Fourth Protocol
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.228
Imdb Votes: 171
Duration: 119 mins
Year: 1987
Language: English,
Genre: Action, Thriller,
Country: United Kingdom,


Led by Kim Philby, Plan Aurora is a plan that breaches the top-secret Fourth Protocol and turns the fears that shaped it into a living nightmare. A crack Soviet agent, placed under cover in a quiet English country town, begins to assemble a nuclear bomb, whilst an MI5 agent attempts to prevent it's detonation.


Actors - Crew

Michael Caine
John Preston
Pierce Brosnan
Valeri Petrofsky / James Edward Ross
Ned Beatty
Joanna Cassidy
Irina Vassilievna
Julian Glover
Brian Harcourt-Smith
Michael Gough
Sir Bernard Hemmings
Phil Meheux
Director of Photography
Lalo Schifrin
Original Music Composer
John Mackenzie
Frederick Forsyth
Nick Hadcock
Production Assistant
Colin Morris

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