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Title: Slaughterhouse
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.3
Imdb Votes: 75
Duration: 85 mins
Year: 1987
Language: English,
Genre: Horror,
Country: United States of America,


Faced with the town lawyer, the sheriff, and a rival slaughterhouse owner trying to purchase his land, Lester Bacon decides to take matters into his own hands, ordering his hulking and mentally deranged son to permanently dispose of anyone who conspires against them.


Actors - Crew

Joe B. Barton
Buddy Bacon
Don Barrett
Lester Bacon
Sherry Leigh
Liz Borden
Jeff Grossi
Jane Higginson
Bill Brinsfield
Tom Sanford
Rick Roessler
Tim Larsen
Makeup Effects
Joseph Garrison
Original Music Composer
Barney Burman
Makeup Effects
Jeff Van Gonka
Art Direction
Michael Scaglione
Production Design

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