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Title: O.C. and Stiggs
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.5
Imdb Votes: 14
Duration: 109 mins
Year: 1987
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: United States of America,


O.C. and Stiggs aren't your average unhappy teenagers. They not only despise their suburban surroundings, they plot against it. They seek revenge against the middle class Schwab family, who embody all they detest: middle class.


Actors - Crew

Daniel H. Jenkins
Oliver Cromwell 'O.C.' Ogilvie
Neill Barry
Mark Stiggs
Jane Curtin
Elinore Schwab
Paul Dooley
Randall Schwab
Jon Cryer
Randall Schwab Jr.
Ray Walston
Grandpa 'Gramps' Ogilvie
Robert Altman
Geraldine Peroni
Assistant Editor
Ted Mann
Donald Cantrell
David Gropman
Art Direction
Elizabeth Kling

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