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Title: Man Facing Southeast
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.6
Imdb Votes: 68
Duration: 109 mins
Year: 1987
Language: Spanish,
Genre: Mystery, Science Fiction, Drama,
Country: Argentina,


A new patient mysteriously appears in a psychiatric ward. He claims to come from another planet to study humans and their behavior. The alien is gentle but criticizes humans for their harsh treatment of each other. The assigned psychiatrist is himself unhappy, and affected by the patient's insight. But he is ordered to treat the patient according to institutional procedure.


Actors - Crew

Lorenzo Quinteros
Dr. Julio Denis
Hugo Soto
Inés Vernengo
Beatriz Dick
Cristina Scaramuzza
Tomas Voth
David Edery
Dora Angélica Roldán
Makeup Artist
Luján Pflaum
Executive Producer
Andrés Boiarsky
Marta Albertinazzi
Set Designer
Elida Inés Cederma
Carlos Abbate
Sound Director

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