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Title: Salvador
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7
Imdb Votes: 345
Duration: 123 mins
Year: 1986
Language: Spanish, English,
Genre: Drama, War, Thriller,
Country: United Kingdom, United States of America,


In 1980, an American journalist covering the Salvadoran Civil War becomes entangled with both the leftist guerrilla groups and the right-wing military dictatorship while trying to rescue his girlfriend and her children.


Actors - Crew

James Woods
Richard Boyle
Jim Belushi
Doctor Rock
Michael Murphy
Ambassador Thomas Kelly
John Savage
John Cassady
Tony Plana
Major Maximilliano Casanova
Colby Chester
Jack Morgan
Oliver Stone
Rick Boyle
Scenario Writer
Claire Simpson
Bob Morones
Bruno Rubeo
Production Design
John Daly
Executive Producer

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