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Title: Nuit d'ivresse
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.994
Imdb Votes: 90
Duration: 87 mins
Year: 1986
Language: French,
Genre: Comedy,
Country: France,


Jacques Belin, presenter of a silly TV show, gets drunk after receiving an award and misses the train bringing his TV-soap-star fiancée. He meets up with Frède, just out of prison after a three year sentence and, in between numerous arguments and Jacques' break-up with his girlfriend, the two of them get drunker together, going across Paris in search of more alcohol and adventure.


Actors - Crew

Thierry Lhermitte
Jacques Belin
Josiane Balasko
Gérard Jugnot
Jugnot, l'invité en colère
Victoria Abril
La compagne de Jugnot
Ticky Holgado
Ouardia Hamtouche
La mère du patron
Bernard Nauer
Josiane Balasko
Thierry Lhermitte

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