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Title: Kin-dza-dza!
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 7.793
Imdb Votes: 239
Duration: 135 mins
Year: 1986
Language: Georgian, Russian,
Genre: Comedy, Science Fiction,
Country: Soviet Union,


Two Soviet humans previously unknown to each other are transported to the planet Pluke in the Kin-dza-da galaxy due to a chance encounter with an alien teleportation device. They must come to grips with a language barrier and Plukian social norms (not to mention the laws of space and time) if they ever hope to return to Earth.


Actors - Crew

Stanislav Lyubshin
Vladimir Nikolaevich Mashkov - 'Uncle Vova'
Evgeni Leonov
Wef - The Wandering Chatlanian Singer
Yuriy Yakovlev
Bee - The Wandering Patsak Singer
Levan Gabriadze
Gedevan Alexandrovich Alexidze - 'Fiddler'
Lev Perfilov
Kyrr - The Chatlanian-Dissident
Irina Shmeleva
Tsan - The Desert Stage-Cart Driver
Georgiy Daneliya
Revaz Gabriadze
Pavel Lebeshev
Director of Photography
Aleksandr Samulekin
Production Design
Natalya Dobrunova
Ekaterina Popova-Evans

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