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Title: Body Slam
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5
Imdb Votes: 19
Duration: 89 mins
Year: 1986
Language: English,
Genre: Comedy, Music,
Country: United States of America,


M. Harry Smilac is a down-on-his-luck music manager who is having a hard time attracting talent and booking gigs for his band, Kicks (The most recent of the gigs is a Dairy Queen opening!!). When making arrangements for a campaign fund-raiser, he mistakes Rick Roberts, a professional wrestler, for a musician and hires him. At that moment he becomes a wrestling manager and starts to book matches for him and his teammate Tonga Tom. The team is a success, and Harry decides to take his wrestlers and his band on a "Rock n' Wrestling" tour. The tour is a success, and Harry feels what it is like to be a winner again.


Actors - Crew

Dirk Benedict
M. Harry Smilac
Tanya Roberts
Candace Vandervagen
Roddy Piper
Quick Rick Roberts
Louis Albano
Capt. Lou Murano
Barry Gordon
Sheldon Brockmeister
Charles Nelson Reilly
Vic Carson
Hal Needham
Michael Shea
Director of Photography
Gregory J. Barnett
Shel Lytton
Steve Burkow
Ross Reynolds
Helicopter Camera

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