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Title: The Titan Find
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.619
Imdb Votes: 97
Duration: 97 mins
Year: 1985
Language: English,
Genre: Science Fiction, Horror,
Country: United States of America,


A crew of scientists arrives on a far, cold planet to examine archaic artifacts of unknown origin. They discover that their German enemies already have a ship there. When they seek their help after a failed landing, they only find the Germans’ bodies, obviously slaughtered by one of the archaic creatures, awoken to new life. Now the alien is after them.


Actors - Crew

Stan Ivar
Mike Davison
Wendy Schaal
Beth Sladen
Lyman Ward
David Perkins
Klaus Kinski
Hans Rudy Hofner
Annette McCarthy
Dr. Wendy H. Oliver
Marie Laurin
Susan Delambre
William Malone
Alan Reed
Randy Popplewell
Stunt Coordinator
Bette Jane Cohen
Harry Mathias
Director of Photography
Johanna Ray

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