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Title: The Good Father
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.692
Imdb Votes: 13
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1985
Language: English,
Genre: Drama,
Country: United Kingdom,


Bill is a man who's very bitter about his divorce and losing custody of his son. So, when one of his friends is being sued for divorce by his wife so that she can enter a lesbian relationship, Bill decides to help his friend gain custody of his any way that they can devise, including using a sleazeball lawyer. But while Bill feels that feminism has robbed him of his family, he begins to be appalled at what he and Roger have done.


Actors - Crew

Anthony Hopkins
Bill Hooper
Jim Broadbent
Roger Miles
Harriet Walter
Emmy Hooper
Frances Viner
Cheryl Langford
Simon Callow
Mark Varda
Miriam Margolyes
Jane Powell
Mike Newell
Christopher Hampton
Peter Prince
Ann Scott
Adrian Smith
Production Design
Alison Stewart-Richardson
Art Direction

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