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Title: Pray for Death
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.1
Imdb Votes: 48
Duration: 92 mins
Year: 1985
Language: English,
Genre: Action,
Country: United States of America,


Akira Saito, a Japanese businessman lives in Tokyo with his Japanese-American wife Aiko and their children, Takeshi and Tomoya. When the family has a chance to move to the United States so that Aiko can teach the children about their American heritage, they pack up and head for Houston, Texas and run a restaurant. This is where the trouble begins....


Actors - Crew

Sho Kosugi
Akira Saito
James Booth
Limehouse Willie
Donna Kei Benz
Aiko Saito
Norman Burton
Lt. Anderson
Kane Kosugi
Takeshi Saito
Shane Kosugi
Tomoya Saito
Gordon Hessler
James Booth
Gerald B. Wolfe
Production Sound Mixer
Stephen Butler
Don Van Atta
Moshe Barkat
Executive Producer

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