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Title: Majestic Thunderbolt
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.8
Imdb Votes: 5
Duration: 80 mins
Year: 1985
Language: English,
Genre: Crime, Action,
Country: Hong Kong,


Two rival bosses of diamond smuggling outfits, Tiger and Franco, get into conflict over a very valuable diamond. Tiger is an apparently conventional businessman. Franco is a psychopathic playboy whose pride and lust know no limits and who murders his own mistress for her infidelity. It is smuggled into Hong Kong by Richard who tries to make a deal with Franco but Tiger hears about this deal and sends in Philip, a New York assassin, to steal the diamond.


Actors - Crew

Richard Harrison
John Ladalski
Chen Kuan-Tai
Phillip Ko
Godfrey Ho

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