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Title: Lost Chapter of Snow: Passion
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6
Imdb Votes: 5
Duration: 100 mins
Year: 1985
Language: Japanese,
Genre: Drama, Romance,
Country: Japan,


A young girl gets adopted by a family that holds her like a slave and is later freed by a young man working for the family's company. 10 years later, she gets involved in the murder of one of her step-sisters.


Actors - Crew

Yuki Saito
Iori Natsuki
Takaaki Enoki
Yuichi Hirose
Masanori Sera
Daisuke Tsushima
Leonard Kuma
Detective Yoshioka
Chigusa Takayama
Mai Okamoto
Yuko Naha
Fumio Ogawa
Production Design
Michiko Ikeda
Kei Ijichi
Shinji Sōmai
Shogo Tomiyama
Kumiko Ogawa
Costume Coordinator

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