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Title: Cocaine Wars
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 4.1
Imdb Votes: 11
Duration: 82 mins
Year: 1985
Language: English, Spanish,
Genre: Action, Drama,
Country: Argentina, United States of America,


Miami DEA agent Cliff Adams is in South America working undercover for Gonzalo Reyes, the biggest cocaine exporter in South America. Cliff's fiancée, Janet Meade, is a reporter doing a story about Reyes. Reyes orders Cliff to kill Marcelo Villalba, who is running for his countries position as president, but Cliff can't bring himself to do it, because his assignment from the DEA is to work against Reyes. Reyes is afraid Villalba will put him out of business, and is afraid that Janet's story will do the same thing, so Reyes sends someone else after Villalba, and then Reyes has Janet kidnapped, and Cliff is the only one who can keep Reyes' plans from succeeding


Actors - Crew

John Schneider
Cliff Adams
Kathryn Witt
Janet Meade
Royal Dano
Federico Luppi
Gonzalo Reyes
Rodolfo Ranni
Gen. Lujan
Ivan Grey
Roger Corman
Héctor Olivera
David Viñas
Steven M. Krauzer
Alejandro Sessa
Víctor Hugo Caula

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