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Title: Twist and Shout
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.5
Imdb Votes: 18
Duration: 107 mins
Year: 1984
Language: Danish,
Genre: Comedy, Drama,
Country: Denmark,


Danish teens come of age in 1963. Bjorn and Erik are close friends. Bjorn is pursued by Kirsten, a future Stepford wife, but he falls for Anna, who initiates him into love and sex. Erik is somber, caring for his home-bound mentally-ill mother while his strict father rules his life. He desires Kirsten, but she's unattainable. Pregnancy, a horrific abortion, an engagement party, and a revelation about the rectitude of Erik's father lead to a climax: Bjorn and Erik must stand up to controlling adults.


Actors - Crew

Adam Tønsberg
Lars Simonsen
Camilla Søeberg
Ulrikke Bondo
Lone Lindorff
Bjørn's Mother
Arne Hansen
Bjørn's Father
Bille August
Bjarne Reuter

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