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Title: Quest
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 6.472
Imdb Votes: 18
Duration: 30 mins
Year: 1984
Language: English,
Genre: Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Science Fiction, Drama,
Country: United States of America,


On a distant planet, descendants of a crashed spaceship are subjected to mysterious forces that cause them to age and die in just eight days. They must also live in caves to escape the bitter cold of night and the killing heat of day. One young boy is determined to find his way back to the ship that brought them there. But how will he accomplish this in the short time left to him?


Actors - Crew

John Abbott
Noah Hathaway
David Comfort
Damian Cavalieri
Jay W. MacIntosh
Bill Erwin
Saul Bass
Elaine Bass
Ray Bradbury
Berington Van Campen
Chuck Colwell
Robert Bass
Executive Producer

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