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Title: Murder-Rock: Dancing Death
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.481
Imdb Votes: 54
Duration: 93 mins
Year: 1984
Language: Italian,
Genre: Mystery, Thriller, Horror,
Country: Italy,


The world of dance can be brutal. The rehearsals are grueling. The competition is fierce. At the Arts for Living Centre in New York City, the best of the best are dying for a part in a major production. But only a select few will be chosen. The selection process seems to be at the hands of mysterious killer who pierces women's bare breasts with a hatpin, puncturing their hearts. Ambition and jealousy appear to be the motive, which makes everybody a suspect!


Actors - Crew

Olga Karlatos
Candice Norman
Ray Lovelock
George Webb
Cosimo Cinieri
Lt. Borges
Giuseppe Mannajuolo
Prof. Davis
Claudio Cassinelli
Dick Gibson
Berna Maria do Carmo
Lucio Fulci
Gianfranco Clerici
Vincenzo Tomassi
Vincenzo Mannino
Augusto Caminito
Roberto Gianviti

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