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Title: Harry & Son
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 5.89
Imdb Votes: 59
Duration: 117 mins
Year: 1984
Language: English, Spanish,
Genre: Drama,
Country: United States of America,


Widower Harry Keach is a construction worker who was raised to appreciate the importance of working for a living. He takes a dim view of his sensitive son Howard's lackadaisical lifestyle and has a strained relationship with his daughter Nina as he does not approve of her husband. When Harry is fired from his job, his life changes drastically as he is made to focus on the relationships around him.


Actors - Crew

Paul Newman
Harry Keach
Robby Benson
Howard Keach
Ellen Barkin
Katie Wilowski
Wilford Brimley
Tom Keach
Judith Ivey
Ossie Davis
Paul Newman
Raymond DeCapite
Donald McAlpine
Director of Photography
Dede Allen
Vicki Huff
Henry Bumstead
Production Design

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