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Title: Devil Fish
Sensity: No
Imdb Rate: 3.2
Imdb Votes: 65
Duration: 90 mins
Year: 1984
Language: Italian,
Genre: Action, Horror, Thriller,
Country: France, Italy,


A marine biologist, a dolphin trainer, a research scientist, and a local sheriff try to hunt down a large sea monster, a shark/octopus hybrid, that is devouring swimmers and fishermen off a south Florida coast.


Actors - Crew

Michael Sopkiw
Valentine Monnier
Dr. Stella Dickens
Gianni Garko
Sheriff Gordon
William Berger
Professor Donald West
Iris Peynado
Sandra Hayes
Lawrence Morgant
Dr. Davis Barker
Giancarlo Ferrando
Director of Photography
Sergio Martino
Luigi Cozzi
Goffredo Unger
Second Unit
Gianfranco Clerici
Massimo Antonello Geleng
Costume Design

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